Other worlds and Us Today

When Christ was about to ascend to heaven, He committed to His disciples the mission that His Father had committed to Him. And He instructed them how to fulfil this mission. He declared that as He had represented His Father to the world, so they were to represent Him. Although He would be invisible to the natural eye, yet all who believed on Him would be able to behold Him by faith. He told His followers to work as He had worked. They were to be a spectacle to worlds unfallen, to angels, and to men, revealing the Father through the Son.17LtMs, Ms 130, 1902, par. 31 (also see RH June 16, 1904, par. 3)

The Christian is a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. Singular? Yes; he has a most singular, peculiar character, because his life is worked out after the divine similitude.15LtMs, Lt 5, 1900, par. 7 

We are a spectacle to worlds unfallen, to angels, and to men. “Ye are my witnesses,” said Christ. [Isaiah 43:10.] We should know individually and be able to tell others that every promise of God is true. It is by bearing a straightforward testimony in word and work that we are counted as true, faithful witnesses for Christ.17LtMs, Lt 121, 1902, par. 34

Let each institution stand in its moral independence, carrying on its work in its own field. Let the workers in each feel that they are to do their work as in full view of God, His holy angels, and the unfallen worlds.7T 173.2

Those who press close to the bleeding side of Christ will have the spirit of Christ, and a nature that will be quickly responsive to His call. They will work to relieve the necessities of suffering humanity, as Christ worked while before the world fallen, the worlds unfallen; and all the heavenly host he was representing the ways and works of God. In the life of Christ we see what a Christian can do in relieving the distressed, binding up their physical and spiritual wants. 10LtMs, Lt 5, 1895, par. 49

God’s work is supreme. He calls for all the powers of the intellect, all the spiritual endowments. They are to be consecrated to Him and to the service of humanity. He calls for workers who are partakers of the divine nature. Those who really believe in Jesus will be colaborers with Him, showing to the unfallen worlds and to the fallen world a character which is after the divine similitude. They are to show that they have a higher, holier order of enjoyment than the world can bestow.14LtMs, Lt 199, 1899, par. 15

The inhabitants of unfallen worlds and of the heavenly universe are watching with an intense interest the conflict between good and evil. They rejoice as Satan’s subtleties one after another are discerned and met with “It is written,” as Christ met His conflict with the wily foe. Every victory gained is a gem in the crown of life. ST June 20, 1900, par. 11

God knows every heart, every motive, every thought in the heart of man; but He permits Satan to try, and tempt, and test His believing ones in order that their trust and confidence in God may be revealed. In the trial, if true to God, they reveal the fact that they render obedience to His written Word. 9LtMs, Ms 27, 1894, par. 30 

All these trials and close personal tests are to result in magnifying the name of the Lord, who is waiting to bestow strength and grace upon those who call upon Him. This is the way in which the trial proceeds from God, and works for the good of those who love God, for the abundant grace of God is revealed before the heavenly universe, before worlds unfallen, and before the eyes of men. 9LtMs, Ms 27, 1894, par. 31

The Lord is good and greatly to be praised. Let us learn to praise Him with our voices and to realize that at all times we are in excellent companionship—even with God and with His Son Jesus. We are a spectacle to the unfallen worlds, to angels, and to our fellow men. A realization of this will lead us to go forth as the Lord may direct, with a firm, well-garrisoned heart.18LtMs, Lt 185, 1903, par. 3

It greatly dishonors God for any one to disregard the wonderful salvation brought to mankind at so infinite a cost—even the life of the Only-begotten of the Father. Men and women are inexcusable for refusing to accept the invitation of Him who has died for their redemption. Christ offers life eternal to those who choose to be obedient and submissive to God's will. By bearing the yoke of willing obedience, men and women testify to worlds unfallen, to angels, and to men that they have accepted Christ as their Ruler, and are conforming their lives to His will. ST June 24, 1903, par. 2

We are to meet misery and repentance, not with censure, not with reproach, not with suspicion, distrust, [and] jealousy, as represented in the eldest son, but with compassion, with sympathy, just such as Jesus has manifested toward us. He met lost humanity with infinite love. He encircled the perishing, wandering soul with His own human arm, He connected sinful man with His own divine nature, and adopted the child of humanity into His own family. He presents this example before you, and says, “Go thou and do likewise.” [Luke 10:37.] This doing of the words and works of Christ will create joy throughout the unfallen universe; songs of rejoicing will resound through all the heavenly worlds. 9LtMs, Lt 45, 1894, par. 27

When human agents become doers of the words and works of Christ, joy is created throughout the unfallen universe, and songs of rejoicing resound through all the heavenly worlds. RH October 16, 1894, par. 8

God's name is hallowed by the angels of heaven and by the inhabitants of the unfallen worlds. When you pray, “Hallowed by Thy name,” you ask that it may be hallowed in this world, hallowed in you. God has acknowledged you before men and angels as His child; pray that you may do no dishonor to the “worthy name by which ye are called.” God sends you into the world as His representatives. In every act of life you are to make manifest the name of God. This petition calls upon you to possess His character. You can not hallow His name, or represent Him to the world, unless, in life and character, you represent the very life and character of God. This you can do only through the acceptance of Christ.ST October 28, 1903, par. 5

Bible knowledge, practiced, is true godliness, and is profitable to all men. It brings every one into new relations with God. It turns man’s mind from the earth heavenward and makes the repentant sinner a new creature in Christ Jesus. The transforming grace of God leads men to take upon themselves the yoke of Christ and to become “laborers together with God.” [1 Corinthians 3:9.] Thus through grace man becomes one with the Father and gives to the world unmistakable evidence of what the truth can do in sanctifying the receiver. Enlightened by daily partaking of the Word, man becomes a spectacle to the unfallen worlds, to angels, and to his fellow men.7LtMs, Ms 24, 1891, par. 63

We cannot show greater honor to our God, whose we are by creation and redemption, than to give evidence to the beings of heaven, to the worlds unfallen, and to fallen men, that we diligently hearken unto all His commandments, which are the laws that govern His kingdom.10LtMs, Lt 82, 1895, par. 29

The truth, to be genuine in its influence on the human heart, must be acknowledged before the universe of heaven, before the worlds unfallen, and before men. Let no one entertain the idea that he may work out his own salvation or receive the smallest spiritual blessing which the gospel offers by stealth. The Lord calls for open, manly confession. “Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord.” [Isaiah 43:10.] Nothing can be effectually gained in advancing in the knowledge of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ until the believing one, longing after Christian excellence of character, shall become as God has intended, a spectacle unto the world, to angels, and to men, a city set on a hill that cannot be hid.10LtMs, Lt 128, 1895, par. 18

We pass through this world but once. Let every step taken by those who claim to be sons and daughters of God be forward. Listen to the words of Christ: “He that will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” [Mark 8:34.] This alone will designate each of us as His disciples. Are we witnessing before the angels of heaven and before the worlds unfallen that we as human beings recognize that we understand what this means, “Ye are not your own; for ye are bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s”? [1 Corinthians 6:19, 20.] Entire consecration to God, living an undivided heart-life of service, this is a living testimony to the world that you recognize your accountability to improve.13LtMs, Lt 35, 1898, par. 12

The work accomplished through Christ was laid open before Paul by revelation. The apostle was shown that the Saviour’s work was to teach men how to obtain deliverance from a state of hopelessness under sin and death. Through faith in Christ Jesus, they were to be quickened and helped to reach forth, with mind, heart, and soul, unto holiness and love. These abundant revelations made to man during Christ’s ministry on the earth, and further revealed to apostles and recorded by them in their writings... were to be manifest in all ages, to all worlds, to all cities great and small, to towns and villages. In every place where a minister of God may be called, he is to show forth the abundant treasures of the grace of Christ, and His ever-flowing love and mercy. 22LtMs, Ms 129, 1907, par. 34

When you accepted Christ as your personal Saviour, you pledged yourself to unite with Him in bearing the cross. You are to unite with Him in carrying out the great plan of redemption. For life and for death you are bound up with the Saviour. You are a part of His great scheme of mercy and love. Your knowledge and wisdom will increase as you seek to grasp the great science of salvation. Before the inhabitants of the unfallen worlds and before fallen human beings you are to live the life of Christ, that unbelievers may be constrained to acknowledge, “He has been with Christ, and has learned of Him.” [See Acts 4:13.] The purity of your language and the unselfishness of your actions are to bear witness to the power of Christ’s grace.17LtMs, Ms 22a, 1902, par. 20 (also found in AUCR August 15, 1902, par. 8 and RH September 23, 1902, par. 1)

The description of the work of Christ will be the description of the work of every one who is born of God, who walks not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. The apostle says of such, “Ye are laborers together with God,” representing the holy law of God to heaven, to worlds unfallen, and to the fallen world. RH August 13, 1895

We are called by Christ to come out from the world and to be separate. We are called to live holy lives, having our hearts continually drawn out to God, and having in our lives the Holy Spirit as an abiding presence. Every true believer in Christ will reveal that the grace of his love is in the heart. Where once there was estrangement from God, there will be revealed co-partnership with him; where once the carnal nature was manifest, there will be seen the attributes of the divine. His people are to become workers of righteousness, constant seekers after God, constant workers of his will. This will make them complete in Christ. To angels and to men and to worlds unfallen they are to make it manifest that their lives are conforming to the will of God, that they are loyal adherents to the principles of his kingdom. The Holy Spirit, dwelling in their hearts by faith, will bring them into fellowship with Christ and with one another, and will yield in them the precious fruits of holiness. RH August 19, 1909, par. 11

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